

If you want to run the front end without Docker you also need to have Gulp, NPM and Node.JS installed locally.

Docker environment

  1. Checkout the project on your computer with Git
cd flindt
  1. Build the docker image. This takes a while the first time.
docker-compose build


This command needs to run every time the Dockerfile, requirements or patches are adjusted. Good practice would be to run it every time the git repo is updated. If nothing changed, the command would complete almost instantly.

  1. First start the database-container and keep it running in the background. This container is needed by the backend-container.
docker-compose up -d db
  1. Do a migration of the models
docker-compose run --rm backend python migrate
  1. Create a superuser for your backend
docker-compose run --rm backend python createsuperuser
  1. Run the containers
docker-compose up

Visit the backend at http://localhost:8005/admin and login with the superuser you created. The front end is available at http://localhost:3000 (both via Docker as well as locally)

Google Login Setup

The Flindt tool uses Google Login to register and login users from the domain you whitelist. To set this up you need to go through a couple of steps:

  • Login to the Google APIs website
  • From the Overview screen, fill in Google+ API in the Search bar and select it from the search results
  • Click on the Enable button
  • Now you need to create Credentials. Click on the Credentials button in the navigation on the left.
  • Click on the blue Create Credentials button and select OAuth Client ID: * Application type? Web application
  • Give the credentials a name, e.g. Flindt
  • In Authorized JavaScript origins fill in your development url, e.g. localhost:3000
  • Click on the Save button
  • The current screen should be the Credentials overview; click on Flindt

The credentials are needed for our Google Login setup. For this to work we need to add them to a .env file

vim /flindt/backend/.env

Add the following information in your file:


Django Social Auth

For the backend to work correctly with Google we need to add our ‘Application’ to the backend.

  • Go to http://localhost:8005/admin/oauth2_provider/application/ and log in with your superuser
  • Click on the Add application button in the topright
  • Replace the generated Client id with: DsHaTowmFoOr3GQLOOoJaXQpViaV6NsIFzOVY3ME
  • In the Client Type field, select: public
  • In the Authorization grand type select: Resource owner password-based
  • Press save

Go to localhost:3000 and click on the Login with Google button, you can now succesfully log in using your Google account.